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Welfare & Wellbeing

In this section you will find a range of support services and resources. We know many of you are doing it tough right now. While our community is strong, united and resilient, sometimes we all need a bit of extra support. We will add more services as we come across them.

If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger call 111 now. There is never any shame in asking for help.

If there is not immediate physical danger but you are worried that yourself or someone else is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can go to the Emergency Department or phone the Mental Health Crisis Team - 0800 112 334.

Welfare & Mental Health services

Information about a wide range of in-person and online resources.

Online resources and apps

Online and digital resources, selected for their relevance to potential mental health and welfare issues related to the cyclone.

Local wellness services

Natural therapies, Rongoā Māori healing and other complementary health services that can contribute to holistic healing and recovery.


Online and in-person events focused on welfare, wellbeing and recovery. This includes events supporting local affected businesses.

Welfare & Mental Health

Welfare & Mental Health Services

General Practice
General Practices can refer to Talking Based Therapists from a range of diverse backgrounds. The service has capacity to support those who have been impacted by the Cyclone.

Contact your GP practice for more details.

I Am Hope
Providing free, trained counselling on the ground since the first days following the cyclone.

Call or email for support or advice 24/7., 021 225 0133

Need to Talk
A free service for New Zealanders who are feeling down, anxious or overwhelmed.

Call or text 1737 24/7 for support from a trained counsellor.

Suicide crisis helpline
Operated by trained and experienced social service practitioners who have undergone suicide prevention training.

0508 828 865 24/7

Support from trained staff and volunteers to support emotional and mental wellbeing.

0800 543 354 or text 4357 24/7

Confidential support for anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress.

Call 0800 726 666 24/7

In it Together
A comprehensive list of counsellors and other mental health professionals who have offered to support those affected by the Cyclone. Many free in-person and online options available.
Depression Helpline
Talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or ask any questions.

Call 0800 111 757 or text 4202 24/7

Anxiety Helpline
For people who experience all forms of anxiety and their families and friends.

Call 0800 269 4389 24/7

Rural Support
Provide support to those living rurally

Call 0800 787 254 to arrange a free and confidential chat.

Skylight support people of all ages throughout New Zealand who are facing any kind of tough life situation, but we specialise in grief, loss and trauma.

Call 0800 299 100

Yellow Brick Road
Formerly Supporting Families NZ. Provide mental health support for families who have a loved one experiencing mental health challenges.

Call 0800555434

Youthline offers a free Helpline service to Kiwis aged 12-24 years (text, phone, webchat & email) and free face-to-face counselling services.

Help line - call 0800 376 633 or text 234 24/7. Call 211 for counselling info.

What's Up?
A free and confidential helpline for children and young people, run by Barnados.

Call 0800 942 8787 11:00-23:00 7 days a week.

The Grief Centre
Provide support to anyone experiencing significant loss.

0800 331 333

Alcohol Drug Helpline
Provides friendly, non-judgmental, professional help and advice if you are concerns about your own or someone else’s drinking or drug taking.

Call 0800 787 797 or text 8681 24/7.

Women's Refuge Crisis Line
For women living with violence in their relationship or family situation.

Crisis line – call 0800 733 843 24/7

Health Line
General health advice and information

Call 0800 611 116 24/7

Parent Help
Parenting helpline and counselling for parents, caregivers and whānau in Aotearoa on all parenting issues.

Call 0800 568 856 0900 - 2100 7 days a week. Paid counselling is also available.

First Steps
Can provide 3 complimentary support sessions with a qualified registered provider to business owners, managers and employees affected by the Cyclone.
Wellness Services

Local Wellness Services

If you are a wellness provider and are happy to be featured here, please contact us.

Advanced Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Bernadette Nolan is a highly trained clinical physiotherapist specialising in pelvic floor imbalance. Bernadette understands the emotional, social and physical difficulties that pelvic floor conditions can cause, and is passionate about helping people restore and regain control of their bodies.
Mindbody Alchemy
Milly is a Mindbody Coach with a passion for reconnecting women with their most authentic and empowered essence. She offers 1:1 coaching (zoom) as well as online and in-person workshops/courses.
Remedy Massage & Beauty
Crystal is a beauty therapist with 23 years experience, specialising in massage. I also do waxing, tinting, facials, pedicures and Reiki.
First Chiropractic Napier
Drs Chris and Kate Anderson - Gentle and effective chiropractic care tailored to each patient's individual needs and health goals. 164 Kennedy Rd, Napier.
Resources & Apps

Online resources & apps

In It Together
A great collection of online resources developed specifically for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
A nationwide wellbeing programme for the rural community. On their website you can find a range of wellbeing resources.
First Steps
First Steps encourages business owners, managers and employees to prioritise wellbeing and awareness. Lots of online articles and resources.
Small Steps
Online tools developed to help with feelings of anxiety, stress, or low mood.
Mental Health NZ
Practical tool to support those who are worried about loved ones having suicidal thoughts
Headspace app
Guided meditations and mindfulness techniques designed to bring calm, wellness, and balance in just a few minutes a day. There are free and paid services available.
Smiling Mind app
Free app which provides evidence-based mental health tools.
Moodfit app
Includes a range of tools including habit tracking, goal setting and journaling to help manage emotions. Free and paid services available.
Mindshift app
Free app which uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) strategies to help manage worry, panic and anxiety.
Mental Health Foundation
Online Resources for Mindfulness

Bay View, Eskdale, Whirinaki Cyclone Recovery

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